
First I’ll share how stress can wreak havoc on your looks. Then, see how I can help you become a more beautiful version of you.

You’ve surely heard how stress is linked to a slew of serious health-related issues – cardiovascular, inflammation, memory loss just to name a few. But today we’re staying skin-deep and exploring how lowering your stress can make you LOOK more AMAZING.

  • thinning HAIR (better sleep & Vitamin B – both affected negatively by stress – helps hair follicles hold onto each strand of hair longer)
  • bad NAILS (not only caused by stress-induced habit of picking/biting – but by damage brought on by stress at the cellular level)
  • increased BODY fat (stress can cause your body to store fat in a not so pretty way )
  • irritated / dull / wrinkled / acne-prone SKIN – read this excerpt from

Top dermatologist Dr. Murad points out:

We contend with two different kinds of stresses and that both are bad for our skin:

1.  CULTURAL stress: it’s ‘constant and pervasive’ and includes things like having to wait in line and having your Blackberry buzz 24/7.

2.  REAL stress: the heavy-duty things like death and illness.

RECOMMENDATION: Rather than slap a band-aid on the problem, Murad likes to have patients work on undoing the stress itself. “It sounds simple, but just don’t get stressed out. What works to calm you?



While beauty products can absolutely help (Sephora is one of my favorite places in the world!), we do tend to throw our money at “solutions” that don’t fix one of the biggest culprits:  STRESS.

This is where I can help.

Do you have …

  • a cluttered environment  – at home &/office?
  • an overwhelming to do list + calendar?
  • a less than ideal (i.e., not getting results you want) way of working?

These can be tremendous causes of stress. Being disorganized doesn’t just make you look a mess. It can make you FEEL a mess. I know what it’s like to be a disorganized mess, and I know what it’s like – AND WHAT IT TAKES – to get it together.

The GOOD NEWS? This is a stressor you CAN have much more CONTROL OVER. If you need more order with your home, work, or life, I may be able to personally help you KISS STRESS GOODBYEno matter where you live!  CLICK HERE to see how.

BTW, if you want to get more beautiful and less stressed in 2014, one of these may be THE PERFECT GIFT for your list…

