What I’m about to share is like organize your life *m*a*g*i*c*.

Use it to transform your business or job, your relationship (current or future) or to get out of that general place of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, bored, confused or combination of it all. (Yes, you can be bored and overwhelmed at the same time. I know from experience!)

This magical concept (which really isn’t magical – it just is… like it or not) affects everything you do –  from your career and relationships to the energy you have within and project out. If you know how to use it to your advantage, it can astound you.

Before I do the big reveal, here’s what led me to seeking it.

My summer hiatus

I was finishing my last blog post, 5 Tips that Make Vacationing (and Returning!) Better back in June and was trying to add in my travel checklist (my pre-vacay must have!) as a downloadable freebie.

I’ll spare you details about the hours I’d spent REdoing my opt-ins and the reason I didn’t hire it out. Bottom line, I was done. “Forget it. I’m taking a vacation from ALL of this.” (I may have omitted few expletives in that quote.)

After an amazing vacation (that was NOT instagrammed …which felt kind of nice actually!) I headed back thinking I’d be able to jump back into my posts, blogs, etc.

But … I kept putting off. And putting off. I was experiencing major resistance and could not shake it.

It was so frustrating – and a little scary – because I do love what I do (the non-tech part:) but knew there was something bigger going on.

Completely stepping back and letting go was my only option because I’m just NOT good at faking it and forcing it.

It was a risky decision because it’s not like I have a pile of money to fall back on, but I knew I had to take a break. I had no idea where I was going to find “the answer” but trusted it would come.

When I need inspiration or an answer to something, I’ve learned to ask (in my head or journal) and wait for my intuition to answer. Funny how it usually comes to me while vacuuming, doing yoga or walking on the beach.

I’ll say, “OK, I’m struggling with this – lead me to what’s best for me to hear, read or experience,” and almost always something appears, if not that day, soon after.

Discovering Magic

A week or so into my hiatus, I was in my car – probably because BOTH of my ACs were out at same time that week so driving was my only access to cool air :/!  I did my “Bring to me what I need” request which landed me on Jess Lively’s The Lively Show.

I’d listened to her podcast from time to time and this particular episode was about Law of Attraction but on a deeper level than what I’d read about in The Secret, the book and movie phenomenon Oprah shared years ago.

WARNING! This may sound c-r-a-z-y! Had I not already experienced some of this for years without understanding why it was happening, I would have been skeptical to say the least. But I was open, curious and desperate for answers.

In her podcast, Jess often refers to this guy Abraham who actually isn’t a guy, it’s a non-physical consciousness channeled through Esther Hicks. (Stay with me!) True satisfaction comes from evolving into who we are meant to be and using Law of Attraction (the right way) will lead you on on your best path – making life easier, more fun and more abundant along the way.

And really, it’s not magic. Law of Attraction is like gravity. It’s simply there. Whether or not you believe the channeling part, Abraham’s lessons are invaluable.

The first time I listened to an Abraham Hicks video on YouTube I made it through 10 seconds and couldn’t take any more. However, hearing Jess talk about it again, it resonated with me in a different way. “Ok, let me give it another shot. I’m really need something so maybe this is it.”

This time I made it past the ten-second mark and before I knew it, I was obsessed with learning more. It was making so many things I’ve experienced (good and not so good) make sense.

And present and future focused, it has shown me how to deliberately create more of what I want – all while enjoying the process.  

Here’s a very basic Law of Attraction rundown:

When something negative happens (contrast) it makes you want something different. Your inner being hears this request which causes momentum – a path opens up and Law of Attraction begins bringing what you need to get there.

HOWEVER, our conscious minds are giving out signals too. And when we are out of alignment, those negative signals block us from bringing what our inner beings are trying to get us to hear and allow in.

When there’s a gap between you and your inner being, you’re up against some pretty major resistance which takes the form of confusion, boredom, resentment, unworthiness, unfulfillment, overwhelm, anxiety … and so much more. And when we put our focus on the absence of what we want (which most of us do), Law of Attraction brings more of that unwanted stuff.

However, you can learn to use Law of Attraction to your advantage by being in alignment with what you want.

A few Law of Attraction key points

… ones that can point you downstream vs continuing that upstream struggle so many of us find ourselves in:

Get into Alignment, THEN take action

Alignment is that receptive mode where you are feeling good and are open and ready to hear the answer, the ideas, the direction from your inner being – your intuition which comes from God, source, universe, etc… whatever you believe.

When you’re working in a place of alignment, answers come and positive momentum builds.

You’ll know you’re in alignment because you’re satisfied where you are RIGHT NOW. And you’ll notice ideas mysteriously come to you, synchronicities happen, inspiration appears, opportunities arise.

That’s why I call it THE biggest productivity concept – the leverage in alignment will astound you.

How do you get into alignment?

Focus on what you want:

If you’re thinking about the absence of what you want, it brings to you more of what you don’t want. Learn to be in the vibrational frequency of what you do want. It’s always there, you just have to tune your radio dial to it.

Be Unconditionally Satisfied:

Don’t wait to be satisfied until after you get what you want or reach that goal or dream. Find something to feel satisfied about right now.

Being outcome focused will throw at you all kinds of resistance and if and when you finally “get there,” you’ll be exhausted, burned out and chances are you won’t be fulfilled.

Ironically, when you focus on satisfaction in the moment, the momentum you’re building will take you much faster to where you want to be – in a much smoother, easier way!

If there’s nothing about the situation that you can find satisfying, do something else that is.  Totally change gears. This may sound counterintuitive because we’re so geared towards pushing through.

“The first manifestation towards something is your emotional state. If you’re feeling thirsty you aren’t satiated.”  – Jess Lively

So if you’re feeling … I need this or I want that (whether it’s a better job or a better relationship … or just to be in a better place in general) and aren’t in a satisfied place at the moment, that means you aren’t in alignment and those things won’t come – or if they do, chances are it’s going to be an uphill struggle leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Recognize resistance and know what to do when it comes:

It’s all about how you feel – it’s your emotional guide to whether or not you’re in alignment.

When you’re feeling out of it, here are a few things you can do:

  • Don’t get bogged down with too many unknown details: the how’s, when’s, where’s. Go more general with your thoughts about that subject – or change your thoughts completely by focusing on something else. Do whatever you can do to get to that satisfying place of being.
  • Don’t try to force action when you’re not in alignment. Wait until you’re back in it to get direction and THEN take (inspired!) action.
  • Meditate to quiet your mind and listen for what you need.
  • Clear the clutter in your environment: getting rid of that physical clutter helps but don’t forget the other types of clutter including the people that bring you down and your own behaviors (complaining, excuse making, etc.).
  • If you’ve been in resistance for a long time regarding something, don’t try to change it completely around immediately. Situations with a ton of built up resistance are by no means impossible to change. It just takes more time. Focus on moving small steps in the other (better feeling) direction.
  • Know that the resistance that does come into our lives (and it will continue to come) helps us grow and evolve. So if nothing else, find satisfaction in the fact that this resistance is helping you know more of what you DO want.
  • If all else fails, go to sleep! Momentum is typically highest when we wake up in the morning so sometimes you just need to do the necessities, call it a day and listen for the direction when you’re in better alignment the next morning. (And unless it makes you feel amazing, don’t screw up your alignment by scrolling through Facebook or Instagram before you even get out of bed!)

The more you practice being in alignment, the easier it is to stay there – and to get back there when you’ve fallen out.


Reading about it here is one thing, experiencing it for yourself is another. Test it out for yourself and see what happens. I’ve included a few resources that will explain deeper – and probably a lot better!

Listen in your car or while doing laundry, but you may want to use headphones so the people around you don’t think you’ve gone crazy!  Although once you experience tapping in to this power, you won’t really care ;)






Love being able to listen in the car or at home while doing other stuff like house work / laundry – has made me actually look forward to doing!


MY FAVORITE:  Abraham Hicks videos:  Google to find best ones for you depending on topic:  A good one to start with:  Google “Abraham Hicks Tony Robbins” – it’s about hustling / working hard – there’s an easier, BETTER, way.

TIP:  If you’d like one that pertains to a particular subject, google something like “Abraham Hicks Relationship” or Introduction / Job / Stuck / Success / Momentum / Health / Parenting … etc


I hear the version on Audible is really good (actually hearing Esther / Abraham read it to you …)